Magic The Gathering (MTG) FRANÇAIS – 57 Cartes Simples (FRENCH 1st Edition Black Border)


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Magic The Gathering (MTG) FRANÇAIS – 57 Cartes Simples – Première Édition, Bord Noire – Usagés

(FRENCH – 57 Singles. Black Border, First Edition – Pre-Owned )

Wizards Of The Coast – 1994

4 x Salve D’antimagie (Spell Blast) – 3 x Venin Psychique (Psychic Venom) – 3 x Pégase De Mesa (Mesa Pegasus) – 3 x Paralysie (Paralysis) – 3 x Boule De Feu (Fireball)

3 x  Désinvocation (Unsummon) – 2 x Pillards De L’erg (Erg Raiders) – 2 x Fuite D’énergie (Power Leak) – 2 x Cercle De Protection: Noir (Circle Of Protection)

2 x Mutation Instable (Unstable Mutation) – 2 x Artillerie Orque (Orcish Artillery) – 2 x Reconstruction (Reconstruction) – 2 x Force De Vie (Life Force)

2 x Sorcier Sybarite (Prodigal Sorcerer) – 1 x Zombies Dévastateurs (Scathe Zombies) – 1 x Dryades De Shanod (Shanodin Dryads) – 1 x Araignée Geante (Giant Spider)

1 x Reflux D’énergie (Energy Flux) – 1 x Exhumation (Raise Dead) – 1 x Etoile De Fer (Iron Star) – 1 x Mammouth De Guerre (War Mammoth)

1 x Rets Des Ames (Soul Net)

1 x Vol D’artefact (Steal Artifact) – 1 x Arérostiers Gobelins (Goblin Balloon Brigade) – 1 x Mur D’air (Wall Of Air) – 1 x Feu De Brousse (Flash Fires)

1 x Peste (Pestilence) – 1 x Boule De Feu (Fireball) – 1 x Terreur (Terror) – 1 x Mur D’épées (Wall Of Swords) – 1 x Chant Des Sirenes (Sirens Call)

1 x Ombre Glaciale (Frozen Shade) – 1 x Pillards Gobelins De Mons (Mon’s Goblin Raiders) – 1 x Guivre Vorace (Craw Wurm) – 1 x Siphon D’énergie (Power Sink)

1 x Golem D’obsianite (Obsianus Golem) – 1 x Simulacre (Simulacrum)





Additional information

Weight 0.305 kg
Dimensions 31 × 23 × 2 cm